Lectures Archive 2013

From Catherine the Great to Joseph Stalin

Publication Date: 18-12-2013

The European History returns to the Black Sea while anthropogeography changes dramatically
Three lectures given by Kostas Karamalis, starting Wednesday the 27th of November (6.30-9.00) to be repeated on Thursday morning, starting in the 28th (11.00-1.30).

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The Hittites and the their civilization

Publication Date: 11-12-2013

A two-hour lecture about a great Anatolian civilization of the 2nd millennium B.C. given by Machi Karaniki in the afternoon of Wednesday the 11th of December – to be repeated in the morning of Thursday the 12th.

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The Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Crimea

Publication Date: 10-04-2013

An introduction to the world beyond the Symplegades. Three afternoon lectures on Wednesday 10, 17 and 24 of April (6.30-9.00) to be repeated on Thursday morning 11, 18 and 25 of April (11.00-1.30). Lecturer Marianna Koromila.

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Family Stories – The Thread

Publication Date: 27-03-2013

A patrician at the Panorama. The long-time journalist Adonis Kyrou, Athenian of Cypriot and Epirot descent, recounts his family and recites personal histories-all those events, experiences and anecdotes that are usually omitted from grand historical narrations, which dramatically lack the human dimension. On WEDNESDAY evenings 27/3 and 3/4 (6:30-9:00). To be repeated on THURSDAY mornings 28/3 and 4/4 (11:00-1:30).

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Workshop on Philosophy

Publication Date: 04-03-2013

Modern Philosophy, 16th-19th c., will be the subject of the six afternoon meetings organized by George Bouboulis. They will start on Monday 4 of March (6.30-9.00).

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Publication Date: 20-02-2013

The highlands and the lowlands of a region between the Taurus Range and the Mediterranean Sea, between the Middle East and Anatolia, between Byzantium and the Caliphate. The country of ancient pirates and brigands; the land of the Medieval Armenian Kingdom; the shores opposite Cyprus. An unknown world which we will explore during two lectures given by Marianna Koromila.
Wednesday afternoon 20/2 and 6/3 (6.30-9.00);
Thursday morning (rep.) 21/2 and 7/3 (11.00-1.30).

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“I would sail away I would, in Attaleia’s waters”

Publication Date: 06-02-2013

A two hours lecture about the history of Attaleia-Antalya) “the excellent city of Pamphylia”, on Wednesday 6 February (6.00-9.00) and repetition on Saturday morning, 9 February (11.30-2.00).  Lecturer Thodoris Kontaras, researcher of the Asia Minor Greek Orthodox world.

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A Byzantine Garden – Garden of Prayer and Joy

Publication Date: 24-01-2013

A morning lecture (11.00-1.30) given by Professor Sophia Rizopoulou about the Byzantine manuscript that she has found at the Bodleian Library of Oxford. Wednesday afternoon, 30 January, repeat of lecture (6.30-9.00).

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Publication Date: 09-01-2013

Part one: Three afternoon lectures about the Koromila family; from the eighteenth century and Ottoman Athens to the newly born Kingdom of Otto and from the first Greek daily newspaper (published by Dimitrios Koromilas in 1873) to the twenty first century and the book about the Byzantine princess ‘Maria of the Mongols’. Seven generations mingled with the Modern Greek adventure.
Lecturer Marianna Koromila

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